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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, January 4, 2024
DANR Announces More Than $98 Million for Statewide Environmental Projects
PIERRE, S.D. – Today, the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR) announced the Board of Water and Natural Resources has approved $98,188,425 in grants and loans for drinking water, wastewater, and storm water projects in South Dakota.
The $98,188,425 total consists of $1,609,000 in grants and $96,579,425 in low-interest loans, including $1,682,000 in principal forgiveness to be administered by the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
“I am pleased to announce this financial assistance is available,” said DANR Secretary Hunter Roberts. “Safe and reliable water and wastewater infrastructure helps protect our environment and strengthen communities for our kids and grandkids.”
Funds were awarded from DANR’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program, Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program, Solid Waste Management Program, and the Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program to the following:
Davison Rural Water System received a $250,000 Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program grant and an additional $1,000,000 Drinking Water State Revolving fund loan to improve water supply and pressure issues within its system and upgrade to automatic meter reading technology. Davison Rural Water previously received a funding package in April 2022 for this project. The loan terms are 2.125 percent for 30 years.
Geddes received $1,186,000 Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan to upgrade a ditch and culvert system with an in-ground stormwater conveyance system. The loan terms are 3.25 percent for 30 years.
Hanson Rural Water System received an additional $3,700,000 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan to improve water supply and pressure issues within its system and upgrade its meter technology. Hanson Rural Water previously received a funding package in April 2022 for this project. The loan terms are 1.625 percent for 30 years.
Hecla received $2,500,000 Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan with $1,682,000 in principal forgiveness to clean and televise wastewater lines and replace a portion of the wastewater piping with new PVC pipe. The terms of the loan are 3.25 percent for 30 years.
Humboldt received a $390,000 Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program grant and an additional $330,000 Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan for sanitary sewer upgrades. The city previously received a funding package in in April 2022 for this project. The loan terms are 3.25 percent for 30 years.
Humboldt also received $145,000 Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program grant and an additional $270,000 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan to replace aging water mains. The city previously received a funding package in in April 2022 for this project. The loan terms are 3.25 percent for 30 years.
Lead received a $841,425 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan to replace aging water lines and better accommodate flow demands. The loan terms are 2.75 percent for 20 years.
Sioux Falls received a $61,000,000 Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan to install force main from Pumpstation 240 to the city’s water reclamation facility. The terms of the loan are 3 percent for 20 years.
South Eastern Council of Governments received a $100,000 Solid Waste Management Program grant for its regional revolving loan fund program. This funding allows the Council to provide low-interest loans for solid waste management and recycling projects in the region.
Spring Creek/Cow Creek Sanitary District received a $492,000 Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program grant and an additional $300,000 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan for the construction of an elevated drinking water storage reservoir, including the installation of PVC water main pipe and all necessary appurtenances. The district previously received a funding package in April 2022 for this project. The loan terms are 3.25 percent for 30 years.
Watertown received an additional $25,000,000 Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan for wastewater treatment facility improvements. The city previously received a funding package in April 2022 for this project. The loan terms are 3.25 percent for 30 years.
Valley Springs received a $232,000 Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program grant and an additional $270,000 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan to construct new well houses. The city previously received a funding package in June 2022 for this project. The loan terms are 3.25 percent for 30 years.
The Solid Waste Management Program provides grants and loans for solid waste disposal, recycling, and waste tire projects. The Legislature annually appropriates dedicated funding for the Solid Waste Management Program through the Governor’s Omnibus Water Funding Bill.
The Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program, funded in part by revenues from the Petroleum Release Compensation Tank Inspection fee and the sale of lotto tickets, provides grants and loans for water, wastewater, and watershed projects. The Legislature annually appropriates dedicated water and waste funding for the Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program through the Governor’s Omnibus Water Funding Bill.
The State of South Dakota and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency fund the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Programs, which provide low-interest loans for wastewater, storm water, water conservation, nonpoint source projects, and public drinking water system projects. The programs are funded through a combination of federal appropriations, loan repayments, and bonds.
The board approved the funding at today’s meeting in Pierre.