Governor Kristi Noem: Helping Moms and Babies

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Helping Moms and Babies

By: Kristi Noem  
June 24, 2022  


Today, the Supreme Court announced something that countless Americans have prayed for over the past 50 years: they reversed the Roe v. Wade decision and allowed states to make their own choices over abortion policy. In South Dakota, we have a law on the books that makes abortion illegal immediately, except to preserve the life of the mother.


Now, our focus needs to redouble on taking care of mothers in crisis and getting them the resources that they need for both them and their child to be successful. We also need to make sure that our abortion regulations are tight so that lives will be saved. We are agreeing to call a special session with leadership in the legislature and will have more announcements on that shortly.


Being pro-life doesn’t mean just caring about babies until they’re born – and it doesn’t mean forgetting about moms. We must get help to those who need it. To that end, I have launched a new website:


This website will help moms through their pregnancy. It will help new parents learn how to be the best parents for their kids. It will provide the best places to get financial assistance for families who are struggling. And it will streamline adoption resources, both for families looking to adopt a child and parents who are looking to give their child to a loving home.


Being a mom to three wonderful kids is the greatest adventure of my life, and I get to re-live it now with my first granddaughter. I want every mom to have the opportunity to experience that adventure for themselves. And if they choose not to, we want them to know that there are other paths available to them.


We will continue looking for ways to streamline adoption. Earlier this year, I worked with the legislature to provide funding for home studies for families looking to adopt. We are also increasing the number of foster families in the state who can help kids in need of a loving home, and the first year of my Stronger Families Together program successfully recruited our target of 300 new foster families statewide.


Every child deserves the right to live, and every child deserves to grow up in a loving home. South Dakota will continue to advance life, defend liberty, and guarantee that every person has the opportunity to pursue happiness. We will help moms and their children – before birth and after.

