Gov. Noem to Address Joint Session of SD Legislature on Border Warzone

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January 29, 2024

Contact: Amelia Joy


Gov. Noem to Address Joint Session of SD Legislature on Border Warzone


PIERRE, S.D. – Today, Governor Kristi Noem requested a joint session of the South Dakota Legislature to provide a briefing on the warzone at America’s Southern Border. House and Senate leadership quickly accepted the governor’s request. You can read the full letter here.


“I will address the joint session of the legislature on the current situation at the border and the potential South Dakota response,” wrote Governor Noem. “Because of the dire situation, it is pertinent that we have this conversation quickly.”


This joint session would make South Dakota the first state in the nation to take the rare step of calling a joint session to support Texas. The joint session will take place on Wednesday, January 31, 2024, at 2pm CT.

