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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, Jan. 5, 2023
Contact: Tony Mangan, Communications Director, 605-773-6878
Attorney General Jackley Names New
Chief Deputy, Criminal Litigation Division Director
PIERRE, S.D. – South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley has named Brent Kempema as the new Chief Deputy for the Attorney General’s Office.
Kempema has been with the Attorney General’s Office since 2012 and is currently Criminal Litigation Division Director. Kempema replaces former Chief Deputy Mark Barnett who left the office last summer.
“Mark Barnett joined me from the very beginning and did an excellent job leading and transitioning our office. I continue to value his counsel,” said Attorney General Jackley. “Brent has provided great leadership to the Criminal Litigation Division, and I have no doubt that he will do the same for the entire office.”
Kempema said, “The people in this office are diligent in their service to the state. It is my honor to be part of the Attorney General’s leadership team.”
Attorney General Jackley also named Ernest Thompson to replace Kempema as the head of the Criminal Litigation Division. Thompson was serving as the Brown County State’s Attorney before joining the Attorney General’s Office in June.
Other members of the Attorney General’s leadership team remain the same:
*** Charlie McGuigan, Deputy Attorney General, Civil Division.
*** Sarah Thorne, Deputy Attorney General, Appellate Division.
*** Chad Mosteller, Assistant Director, Division of Criminal Investigation, Field Operations.
*** Dan Satterlee, Director, Division of Criminal Investigation.
*** Tiffany Stoeser, Assistant Director, Division of Criminal Investigation, Administrative Operations.
*** Paul Swedlund, Solicitor General.
Katie Mallery will continue to lead the Sioux Falls Attorney General’s Office and Scott Roetzel the Rapid City Attorney General’s Office. Stephen Blair of the Rapid City Office will serve as the director of the new Administrative Law Division, which will provide legal advice and representation to the State’s constitutional officers, appointed officials and various state government agencies, commissions, and boards.
“This past year has gone well thanks to this leadership team and the other staff members in the Attorney General’s Office who work exceptionally hard for our state,” said Attorney General Jackley. “It is an honor to work with such dedicated individuals.”