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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, February 23, 2023
EPA Approves Requested Labeling Amendments on Dicamba in South Dakota
Pierre, SD – On February 16, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved labeling amendments to reduce risks from the use of dicamba in South Dakota. The amendment was proposed by dicamba product registrants, in consultation with the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR).
The revised labeling prevents the use of dicamba application on dicamba tolerant crops after June 20, earlier in the growing season, to lessen the potential for dicamba to volatilize and drift off site. Dicamba is a herbicide sprayed over-the-top of genetically engineered soybeans tolerant to the active ingredient in dicamba to control certain types of broadleaf weeds.
“Dicamba products are an important tool our farmers need to protect their crops,” said DANR Secretary Hunter Roberts. “The proposed change allows for their continued use while minimizing the risk of damage caused by off target movement of dicamba products.”
As a reminder, pesticide dealers and applicators in South Dakota must be licensed and must follow product label instructions including application timing restrictions. For more information on DANR’s pesticide program visit:
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