Freedom Works Here – Round Two

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Freedom Works Here – Round Two


By: Governor Kristi Noem

November 24, 2023


When I launched the Freedom Works Here nationwide workforce recruitment campaign over the summer, I wanted people to hear South Dakota’s story. I have always believed that our state has a unique story of Freedom and work ethic that would inspire the nation if they could only hear it.


This campaign gave us the opportunity to tell our story – and it’s working.


Freedom-loving Americans have been moving to South Dakota at a record-breaking rate. More than 7,500 people have expressed interest in moving here. And almost 2,000 have actively worked with one of our job advisors to begin the final stages of their move. Some of these people have already filled jobs here in South Dakota! These numbers represent the folks who have gone directly through Freedom Works Here. There are even more people finding jobs in South Dakota on their own after seeing our ads.


Phase one of the Freedom Works Here campaign has been a huge success. Businesses have been telling me how much they love the campaign – and they want to know how they can partner with us to keep the ads going. Phase two will continue to recruit people from across the country to come live and work right here in South Dakota.


Even with all the success of phase one, we still have open jobs to fill. South Dakota has a strong need for more accountants. As our businesses grow and thrive, they need qualified individuals to manage their books so that they can continue their momentum. We also need more state accountants who can advance our conservative fiscal policies, build on 134 consecutive years of balanced budgets, and help the taxpayers keep as much money in their pockets as possible.



We are also seeing a large need for more homebuilders. We have led the nation in new housing development, but we can’t keep up with all the folks moving here. We need to continue building enough housing to keep up with our growing population. In order to do that, we need to recruit more skilled homebuilders.


Our law enforcement officers keep our state safe. Over the last few years, as we have seen entire states turn their backs on the police, I have invited law enforcement officers to come work in a state that respects them. We have made South Dakota the Freest state in America. These law enforcement officers will help make us the safest.



Our biggest workforce need statewide today is for nurses of all classifications. Our nurses and healthcare providers are committed to ensuring that South Dakotans stay healthy. With more nurses moving here to fill those open jobs, we will continue to make South Dakota healthier for our kids and grandkids.


If you are interested in living and working in a state that values Freedom and personal responsibility, you can learn more about South Dakota at

I can’t wait for everyone to see the new ads for phase two of the Freedom Works Here campaign. We have told South Dakota’s story to America, and people are asking for more. It’s time to show the nation that Freedom still Works Here.

