Inspired by South Dakota: Freedom Works Here Stories

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November 8, 2023

Contact: Amelia Joy


Inspired by South Dakota: Freedom Works Here Stories


PIERRE, S.D. –  In June, Governor Noem launched the Freedom Works Here nationwide workforce recruitment campaign. Since then, the ads have been viewed millions of times, and we have had thousands of people express interest in moving to South Dakota. Here are just a few of the stories of folks who were inspired by South Dakota’s story and have moved to the Freest state in the nation.


Jason had become frustrated with California’s political and social landscape, the excessive cost of living, the rising crime rates, and the deteriorating quality of life. After seeing the Freedom Works Here campaign, Jason reached out to our team. It didn’t take long for a job advisor to connect with Jason and help him begin his job search. Today, Jason is happily living in Britton, South Dakota and working at Horton, Inc.


Rocky and his wife were looking to make a move with future retirement plans and quality of life in mind. After seeing the Freedom Works Here campaign, they settled on South Dakota. Rocky connected with one of our job advisors with the idea of working in state government. Our team connected him with recruiters and provided him with online resources. Very soon, Rocky will be starting his new job in Pierre as an accountant/auditor with our Department of Social Services.


These Freedom-loving Americans were each inspired by the South Dakota’s story. Our Freedom Works Here campaign is showing people that South Dakota really is the best state in America to live, work, and raise a family – and folks are moving here to be a part of it all.

