DANR Announces More Than $183 Million for Western South Dakota Environmental Projects

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, April 13, 2022

MEDIA CONTACT: Brian Walsh, brian.walsh@state.sd.us



DANR Announces More Than $183 Million for Western South Dakota Environmental Projects


PIERRE, S.D. – Today, the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR) announced the Board of Water and Natural Resources has approved $183,977,300 in grants and loans for drinking water and wastewater projects in western South Dakota. These awards are part of more than $1.1 billion in statewide awards approved by the board today.


The $183,977,300 total includes $57,190,537 in grants and $126,786,763 in low-interest loans to be administered by the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources.


“I am pleased to announce this financial assistance is available,” said DANR Secretary Hunter Roberts. “These grants and loans will result in upgraded wastewater and drinking water systems which is good for the users and the environment.”


The grants and loans were awarded from DANR’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program, Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program, Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program, and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to the following:


Box Elder received a $4,333,350 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan and a $1,857,150 ARPA grant to address water quality and storage concerns by extending the water main on Tower Road and replacing the Prairie View water tank. The loan terms are 1.625 percent for 30 years.


Custer received a $4,832,051 Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan and a $6,257,949 ARPA grant to add a Submerged Attached Growth Reactor system, install a new UV disinfection treatment system, and make other improvements to the wastewater treatment facility. In addition, Custer will install a new three-and-a-half-mile force main to relocate the effluent discharge point and improve electrical pumps at lift stations. The loan terms are 2.125 percent for 30 years. These funds and local ARPA funds will cover the cost of the project.


Hermosa received a $698,600 Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan and a $375,400 ARPA grant to add a third cell to the lagoon treatment system and modify an existing cell. In addition, an extension of sewer system into the area of “Gumbo Lily” will allow existing users to be connected to the collection and treatment system and will eliminate the aging septic systems. The terms of the loan are 2.125 percent for 30 years. These funds and local ARPA funds will cover the cost of the project.


Kadoka received a $1,831,593 Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan and a $913,188 ARPA grant to replace vitrified clay pipe with new 8-inch PVC sanitary sewer main and replace adjoining manholes and service lines. New concrete curb and gutter with 19 storm drain inlets and 12- to 24-inch storm sewer lines will eliminate standing water and minimize localized pooling during rain events. The loan terms are 2.125 percent interest for 30 years.


Kadoka also received a $448,700 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan and a $192,300 ARPA grant to install 6-inch PVC water mains to replace existing asbestos cement pipe. This also includes five fire hydrant assembly installations, 36 service connections, and all necessary appurtenances needed to complete the project. The loan terms are 1.875 percent for 30 years.


Philip received a $55,927 Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program loan and a $160,771 ARPA grant to improve the wastewater system in the northeast area of the city. Improvements include cleaning, televising, and lining approximately 1,950 of sewer using cured-in-place-pipe and replacing 12 manholes. The loan terms are 2 percent for 20 years.


Powder House Pass Community Improvement District received a $7,163,500 Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan and a $337,500 ARPA grant to install a new lift station and force main and increase the capacity of the wastewater treatment facility by expanding the existing Moving Bed Bioreactor treatment system. The loan terms are 2.125 percent for 30 years.


Rapid City received a $101,500,000 Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan and a $43,500,000 ARPA grant to build out its South Water Reclamation Facility and decommission its north plant is accordance with its 2016 Facility Plan. The loan terms are 2 percent interest for 20 years.


Summerset received a $5,923,042 Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan and a $3,596,279 ARPA grant to double capacity of the existing wastewater treatment plant by expanding the capacity of the sequencing batch reactor process, aerobic digesters, blowers, and reed beds. The loan terms are 2.125 percent interest for 30 years.


The American Rescue Plan Act provides grants for eligible water, wastewater, storm water, and nonpoint source projects. The state of South Dakota is making a historic investment in infrastructure by dedicating $600 million of American Rescue Plan Act funding for local water and wastewater infrastructure grants.


The Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program, funded in part by revenues from the Petroleum Release Compensation Tank Inspection fee and the sale of lotto tickets, provides grants and loans for water, wastewater, and watershed projects.


The State of South Dakota and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency fund the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program, which provides low-interest loans for public drinking water system projects. The program is funded through a combination of federal appropriations, loan repayments, and bonds.


The State of South Dakota and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency fund the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program, which provides low-interest loans for wastewater, storm water, water conservation, and nonpoint source projects. The program is funded through a combination of federal appropriations, loan repayments, and bonds.


The board approved the funding at today’s meeting in Pierre.

