Governor Noem to Launch Freedom Works Here, Phase Two

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November 15, 2023

Contact: Amelia Joy


Governor Noem to Launch Freedom Works Here, Phase Two


PIERRE, S.D. – Today, Governor Kristi Noem and the Governor’s Office of Economic Development announced that the second phase of the Freedom Works Here nationwide workforce recruitment campaign will be launching very soon.


“Businesses love the Freedom Works Here campaign and have asked us how they can partner to keep it going – so we’re bringing it back by popular demand!” said Governor Noem. “We are continuing to recruit Freedom-loving Americans from across the country to come live and work right here in South Dakota. I can’t wait for everyone to see the new Freedom Works Here ads!”


The Freedom Works Here campaign has been successfully telling South Dakota’s story to the entire nation. After seeing the Freedom Works Here ads, Jason moved from California to Britton, South Dakota to work at Horton, Inc. Rocky moved to Pierre with his wife to work as an accountant/auditor with our Department of Social Services. Colin moved to Madison from Minnesota to work and attend Dakota State University. And Chad, a Marine veteran, not only moved his family to Rapid City, but is also moving the headquarters for his nonprofit organization, the Forgotten Fifteen Foundation, to South Dakota as well. You can read more about these success stories from phase one of the campaign here and here.


“This week, I welcomed a major east coast investor to Sioux Falls who shared the only reason he was visiting was because of the advertisements he saw from the ‘Freedom Works Here’ campaign,” said Sioux Falls Mayor Paul TenHaken. “He was intrigued enough by the ads that he and his team decided they needed to learn more about investment opportunities in our state. Even without my extensive marketing background, interactions like the one I had this week demonstrate the impact of South Dakota’s national campaign efforts.”


New Freedom Works Here ads have already been filmed to target four more professions that are in high demand in South Dakota. These ads will recruit more skilled workers to the state.


Since Governor Noem launched Freedom Works Here, the ads have been viewed over 800 million times. And more than 7,500 people have expressed interest in moving to South Dakota.


These numbers represent those working directly through the “Freedom Works Here” program. Even more people are finding jobs and moving to South Dakota of their own accord after seeing the ads.


The budget for phase two of the Freedom Works Here campaign is approximately $1.5 million. More information about the Freedom Works Here campaign can be found here.

