DANR Announces Over $24 Million for Statewide Environmental Projects

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, September 26, 2024

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Dana Munyon, dana.munyon@state.sd.us



DANR Announces Over $24 Million for Statewide Environmental Projects


PIERRE, S.D. – Today, the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR) announced the Board of Water and Natural Resources has approved $24,416,257 in loans and grants for drinking water, wastewater, and solid waste projects in South Dakota.


The $24,416,257 total consists of $24,286,257 in low-interest loans and $130,000 in grants to be administered by the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources.


“I am pleased to announce this financial assistance is available,” said DANR Secretary Hunter Roberts. “Safe and reliable water, wastewater, and solid waste infrastructure help protect our environment and strengthen communities for our kids and grandkids.”


Funds were awarded from DANR’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program, Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program, and Solid Waste Management Program to the following:


Box Elder received a $2,000,000 Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan to replace sewer mains within the Highway 14/16 corridor and add additional water lines to accommodate recent growth. The project also includes upsizing lines on the west side of town for areas of new development. The terms of the loan are 3.75 percent for 30 years. Previous funding for this project was awarded in May 2022.


Fort Pierre received a $2,470,434 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan for drinking water system improvements including construction of a water storage tank, water mains booster station, and other necessary appurtenances. The terms of the loan are 3.75 percent for 30 years. Previous funding for this project was awarded in September 2022.


Lincoln County Rural Water System received a $1,740,000 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan to relocate its existing water main to accommodate a connection from Highway 11 to Interstate 29. The improvements are necessary due to the growth of Sioux Falls, Harrisburg, and Tea. The terms of the loan are 4.75 percent for 30 years.


Mitchell received a $13,000,000 Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan for improvements at its wastewater treatment facility. Improvements at the south plant include equalization installation of a new generator and extension of the sewer force main. Improvements at the north plant include the construction of an additional equalization basin. Previous funding was awarded in April 2022. The terms of the loan are 3.75 percent for 30 years.


Pierre received a $5,075,823 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan to replace the existing force main under Euclid Avenue due to the existing infrastructure's age and condition. The terms of the loan are 3.75 percent for 30 years.


South Eastern Council of Governments received a $100,000 Solid Waste Management Program grant to recapitalize its Economic Revolving Loan Fund to originate loans for eligible purchases. This funding allows the Council to provide low-interest loans for solid waste management and recycling projects in the region.


Walworth County received a $30,000 Solid Waste Management Program grant to construct a cold storage facility at the landfill to store and perform maintenance on landfill equipment.


The Solid Waste Management Program provides loans and grants for solid waste disposal, recycling, and waste tire projects. The Legislature annually appropriates dedicated funding for the Solid Waste Management Program through the Omnibus Water Funding Bill.


The State of South Dakota and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency fund the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Programs, which provide low-interest loans for wastewater, stormwater, water conservation, nonpoint source projects, and public drinking water system projects. The programs are funded through a combination of federal appropriations, loan repayments, and bonds.


The board approved the funding at today’s meeting in Pierre.


